Product ratings are obtained through the CRRC Online Rating Portal, a software platform that enables Licensees to conveniently submit product rating applications, pay fees, and manage their product listings from their computer. The Portal also allows CRRC-approved test labs to submit product test data.

A company must be licensed with the CRRC to receive a CRRC product rating. Please see the Become a CRRC Licensee page for more information.

Product Rating Process

  1. Become a CRRC Licensee.

  2. Log into the CRRC Online Rating Portal (Portal) and start a draft product rating application (see Portal FAQs and Portal training videos for more information).

  3. Prepare your product sample (set of test specimens) in accordance with Chapter 3 and Appendix 4 (Product Rating Procedure Details: Initial and Aged Testing) in the CRRC-1 Product Rating Program Manual.

  4. Choose a CRRC Accredited Independent Test Laboratory (AITL) to conduct the initial testing and send your product sample along with a Test Farm Notification form (CRRC F-7) to the AITL. Please contact the AITL directly to coordinate testing of samples and fees for their services.

  5. Contact a CRRC-approved Test Farm to coordinate three-year weathering and fees for their service.

  6. When the selected AITL has completed initial testing, they will provide you with a test results report and will enter the test results directly in the Portal (to the submitted application you already started in the Portal). The AITL will also send your product sample directly to the Test Farm for three-year weathering.

  7. When your product application with the initial test results has been reviewed and approved by the CRRC, the initial radiative property ratings (solar reflectance, thermal emittance, and SRI) for the product will be automatically listed on the Rated Roof Products Directory. The aged radiative property ratings will be listed as "pending" until the three-year weathering process and aged testing is completed.

  8. You may opt for Rapid Ratings, which are interim laboratory-aged rating values that will be displayed on the Directory throughout the duration of three-year weathering. See Rapid Ratings for more information.

  9. You may also utilize the official CRRC Product Label once your product is listed on the Directory. The official CRRC Product Label files are available upon request. See CRRC Product Label Guidelines for more information.

  10. Shortly before three-year weathering concludes, you will need to coordinate with the Test Farm and AITL to ensure the Test Farm sends the weathered specimens to your selected AITL. You do not need to have the weathered specimens sent to the same AITL that performed initial testing, but you will need to communicate to the CRRC and the Test Farm that aged testing will be completed by another AITL. The AITL will then submit the aged test results in the existing Portal application once aged testing is completed. The Test Farm will automatically forward a copy of the Test Farm Notification form (CRRC F-7) to the CRRC.

  11. Once the CRRC has reviewed and approved the aged test results in the Portal, the aged radiative property ratings will automatically be listed on the Directory. You are required to update any product labels that contain a “pending” aged value or Rapid Rating values with the actual three-year weathered data.

Fees and Dues

See the CRRC Fees and Dues Structure for the appropriate Product Rating fee.

Rating Types

Rating Information

To obtain a standard CRRC product rating, you will need to log into the CRRC Online Rating Portal to start the application process.

The Rating Application fee is $260 per product.

Sample Selection and Preparation

For each Standard Roofing Product being tested (except asphalt shingles and variegated capsheets tested in accordance with CRRC-1 Test Method #1), prepare a total of nine (9) specimens in accordance with CRRC-1 Product Rating Program Manual, Section 3.5.1, including randomly selecting specimens from two batches of your product. Specimen selection should be distributed as follows:

  1. Three specimens from one batch;

  2. Three specimens from second batch; and

  3. Three specimens, for which both batches must be represented.

For asphalt shingles and variegated product sample selection and preparation guidance, see Section 3.5.5 of the CRRC-1 Product Rating Program Manual.

Remember to include a Test Farm Notification Form (CRRC F-7) with your test specimens (product sample) that are shipped to the AITL of your choice.

CRRC Rated Products Logo

If you would like to use the Rated Products Logo to promote your CRRC Rated Product, please also sign and return the following agreement (CRRC-A-8). For more information about the Rated Products Logo, please visit CRRC Logo Use Requirements.

Rated Products Logo License Agreement (CRRC A-8)

The company bringing the private-labeled product to market must be registered as a CRRC Licensee and complete all necessary requirements thereof. This company can then rely on the test results from another CRRC Licensee.

In order to rate a private-labeled product, submit a “Reference” application through the CRRC Online Rating Portal. Please note that the original manufacturer of the product must approve reference applications.

​The Rating Application fee is $260 per product.

The CRRC Color Family Program is designed for industries that have thousands of colors that may be supplied as roofing material (e.g., factory-coated metal). Since creating various colors within any roofing technology involves simply altering the selection and levels of pigments, it is reasonable to assume that the performance of the product, within a narrowly defined color range, will behave similarly to other products of similar but not identical color. For this reason, the CRRC allows groups of colors that fit within a narrowly defined range, and are of a given binder/resin material technology, to be rated as one group. There are 17 established Color Families and each resin/binder technology is its own Color Family Group within that Color Family.

Please review the requirements listed in Sections 3.5.2 and 3.5.3, Appendix 5 (Color Family Program Procedures) in the CRRC-1 Product Rating Program Manual for detailed information on how to obtain a Color Family product rating.

Initial Rating

A designated Color Family Representative Element must first be rated before a Licensee can establish a Color Family Group. For the initial rating of a Color Family Representative Element, please log into the CRRC Online Rating Portal to start the application process.

The Color Family fee is $260, which includes only the Representative Element (does not include the Additional Elements that are rated are part of the Color Family Group). Please remember to include a Test Farm Notification Form (CRRC F-7) with the test specimens (product sample) that are shipped to the AITL for initial testing.

Color Family Additional Elements

Once the initial rating for a Color Family Representative Element has been obtained, Color Family Additional Elements can be added to the Color Family for a reduced fee and without needing to undergo three-year weathering exposure.

A Compound Rating consists of two or more products that have the same surface formulation and radiative properties that are listed as one product on the Rated Roof Products Directory. The shape or thickness of a product may slightly change the radiative properties of a product, which is why the most conservative radiative property values are reported for a Compound Rating. For example, if a Licensee sells the same single-ply membrane in varying thicknesses (e.g., with and without fleeceback), the radiative properties of the thinnest version would be represented on the Rated Roof Products Directory, and any thicker versions of the same product would be listed as additional Brand and Model names under the same listing. Similarly, polymer-molded shake/slate/tile products may be sold in varying shapes, but otherwise share the same formulation. In this case, each shape would receive initial testing and the shape with the lowest solar reflectance would be listed on the Rated Roof Products Directory.

Roofing product types that qualify for a Compound Rating are: Single-ply membranes, shingles, modified bitumen, polymer-molded shake/slate/tiles, and wood. See the CRRC-1 Product Rating Program Manual for specific requirements.

Products submitted under a Compound Rating

  • For single-ply membranes, the thinnest product must be tested.

  • For shingle or modified bitumen, the representative product must be submitted for testing.

  • For polymer-molded shake/slate/tile, all the shapes must be tested to determine the lowest solar reflectance. The shapes with the lowest solar reflectance will be used for the CRRC initial and aged ratings. The profiled product with the lowest solar reflectance will be sent to weather at the test farm.

Rating Information

To apply for a Compound Rating, please log into the CRRC Online Rating Portal.

The Compound Rating fee is $260 per product.

Companies may choose to obtain a CRRC Rapid Rating for a roofing product that is undergoing the CRRC rating process. This is an optional product rating that uses a standardized laboratory-simulated aging process to produce interim laboratory-aged values in less than a week. The Rapid Ratings are published on the Rated Roof Products Directory and on CRRC Product Labels. These interim values are eventually replaced by the three-year aged values.

Rapid Ratings Instructions

To obtain a CRRC Rapid Rating, check the “Rapid Rating” checkbox in your product application in the CRRC Online Rating Portal.

The Rapid Ratings fee is an additional $210 per product.

Testing Requirements

The laboratory-aging simulation process and radiative property testing must be conducted by an approved CRRC Rapid Ratings Laboratory. In addition to the test specimens that are sent to the laboratory for initial testing and to the Test Farm for three-year aging, an additional three specimens (required to be 10cm x 10cm (4in x 4in) in size) are required for Rapid Ratings.

Once your product application has been processed, the CRRC will email you the CRRC Rapid Rating Product Label files.

Dual Ratings for field-applied roof coatings is an optional rating method to test coating products over a standardized rough substrate. This rating option became effective September 1, 2021. Important details about the rating option can be found in the CRRC-1 Product Rating Program Manual (see Section 3.5.4 and Appendix 10).

Rating Information

If you are interested in obtaining a rough substrate rating for a coating product that already has a CRRC rating, you may create a new product application in the CRRC Online Rating Portal (Portal). When you select “Coating” as the product type, the Portal will prompt you to indicate the substrate type (e.g., rough) and the Portal Application ID associated with the same product that was rated over a smooth substrate.

If you wish to obtain both a smooth and rough substrate rating, your CRRC rating fees will be half the normal rate on the second application. If you wish to obtain this 50% discount, you must provide a valid Application ID.

If you currently reference another company’s CRRC rating for a coating product (i.e. Reference Rating), please contact the original manufacturer to ask them to obtain the rough substrate rating. Once they have submitted the rough substrate application, you will be able to create a new reference application.

CRRC Product Label

Products rated on or after the effective date must use the CRRC Dual Rating Product Label. Products rated prior to the effective date have a one-year transition timeline to begin using the Dual Rating Product Label. After September 1, 2022, all field-applied coating products must use the Dual Rating Product Label. See Product Label Guidance for detailed information on the proper use of the Dual Rating Product Label.


Below is a copy of the Coatings on Rough Substrates Excel Reporting Tool.

Coatings on Rough Substrates Excel Reporting Tool

For more information about the policy or test method for coatings on smooth and rough substrates, please see section 3.5.4 and Appendix 10 of the CRRC-1 Product Rating Program Manual.

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