Getting a CRRC Wall Product Rating

In order to obtain a CRRC Wall Product Rating, a company must first become a Wall Licensee. See Become a Wall Licensee.

The CRRC offers four different rating options for wall products. See Product Rating Options.

CRRC Rated Wall Product Logo Final Color

Product Rating Options

The CRRC offers four different rating options for wall products. Select the desired rating type for detailed instructions for obtaining a Wall Product Rating. Contact [email protected] with questions.

Standard Product Sample Selection and Preparation

For each Standard Wall Product being tested, prepare a total of nine (9) specimens in accordance with CRRC-2 Wall Product Rating Program Manual Appendix 1, Section S.3.2, including randomly selecting specimens from two batches of your product. Specimen selection should be distributed as follows:

  1. Three specimens from one batch;

  2. Three specimens from a second batch; and

  3. Three specimens, for which both batches must be represented.

Remember to include a completed WRP Test Farm Notification Form (WF-3) with your test specimens (product sample) that are shipped to the Test Lab of your choice.

The Standard Wall Product rating fee is $250.

Standard Product Rating Instructions

  1. Familiarize yourself with the requirements in the CRRC-2 Wall Product Rating Program Manual (CRRC-2), available here.

  2. Engage with a CRRC-approved Wall Accredited Independent Testing Laboratory (Wall AITL). A list of each AITL’s testing and program capabilities is available here. Be sure to select an AITL that performs testing for the Wall Program. Each AITL’s contact information is available here.

  3. Engage with a CRRC-approved Test Farm for three-year weathering.

  4. After selecting a Wall AITL and a Test Farm, complete a CRRC WRP Product Rating Application (PRA) for each product that you intend to rate. At this time, the PRA is only available as an Excel workbook. Contact [email protected] to obtain the PRA. Instructions for completing the PRA are found on the first tab of the Excel workbook.

  5. Select and prepare product specimens in accordance with Appendix 1, Section S.3 of the CRRC-2.

    1. Note: for Architectural Coating products, pay special attention to the substrate requirements in CRRC-2 Section 3.8. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

  6. Complete the WRP Test Farm Notification Form (WF-3) (available here) and enclose the form with the specimens.

  7. Ship the specimens to the Wall AITL.

  8. Email the completed PRA workbook to the AITL and copy (“Cc”) [email protected].

    1. Note: The CRRC will review the PRA for accuracy and completeness. The CRRC will not invoice you or publish product information until the test data are submitted to the CRRC by the AITL and have been reviewed and approved.

  9. The Wall AITL will complete initial testing and submit the test results to the CRRC.

  10. The CRRC will review the test results and send you an invoice for the Product Rating Fee. The Wall Program Fee Structure is available here.

  11. When payment of the Product Rating Fee is received, the product rating will be published on the Rated Wall Products Directory and you will be sent a Notification of Product Rating (NPR) via email.

    1. Note: The published rating will include the following information: CRRC Wall Rated Product ID; Licensee name; brand and model name; product type, color, and market; initial and aged solar reflectance; initial and aged thermal emittance; Licensee contact name, phone number, and website; and application approval date.

  12. After initial testing has been completed, the AITL will ship the test specimens to the selected Test Farm.

  13. The Test Farm will place the specimens in three designated climates for three years of natural exposure.

  14. After three years of natural exposure, the specimens will be shipped to the selected AITL and the AITL will perform aged testing.

  15. The AITL will submit the aged test results to the CRRC.

  16. The CRRC will review the test results and update the published product rating with the aged values. When the Aged Ratings have been published, you will be sent an updated NPR that includes the aged values.

  17. You will be invoiced annually for the Product Rating Renewal fee while the product rating remains active (see fee structure here).

Reference Rating Overview (CRRC-2 Section 4.7)

Reference Ratings are available for private-labeled products. Reference Ratings rely on test data that are already published by the CRRC for the identical product sold under a different brand. To obtain a Reference Rating, the Licensed Seller (you) and the Other Manufacturer (manufacturer of the product that is being referenced) must both be CRRC Wall Licensees.

The Reference Wall Product rating fee is $250.

Reference Product Rating Instructions

  1. As the Licensed Seller, you are required to seek approval from the Other Manufacturer in order to reference their CRRC Wall Product Rating for the product that you are bringing to market.

  2. Complete the WRP OM Authorization Form (WF-4) available here. You must complete page 1, and the Other Manufacturer must complete page 2. If multiple products are being rated, a separate form must be completed for each one.

  3. Complete a CRRC WRP Product Rating Application (PRA) for each product that you intend to rate. At this time, the PRA is only available as an Excel workbook. Contact [email protected] to obtain the PRA. Instructions for completing the PRA are found on the first tab of the Excel workbook.

  4. Submit the completed PRA and OM Authorization Form to [email protected] via email.

  5. The CRRC will review the PRA and OM Authorization Form for accuracy and completeness. The CRRC will send you an invoice for the Product Rating Fee. The Wall Program Fee Structure is available here.

  6. When payment of the Product Rating Fee is received, the product rating will be published on the Rated Wall Products Directory and you will be sent a Notification of Product Rating (NPR) via email.

    1. Note: The published rating will include the following information: CRRC Wall Rated Product ID; Licensee name; brand and model name; product type, color, and market; initial and aged solar reflectance; initial and aged thermal emittance; Licensee contact name, phone number, and website; and application approval date. The rating will not include information about the OM or be publicly labeled as a Reference Rating. The reference relationship is kept confidential between the Licensed Seller, the OM and the CRRC.

  7. If the product being referenced already has published CRRC Aged Ratings, your product rating will include both the Initial and Aged Ratings.

  8. If the referenced product does not yet have Aged Ratings, the Aged Ratings will be added to your product rating when they are published for the referenced product.

  9. You will be invoiced annually for the Product Rating Renewal fee while the product rating remains active (see fee structure here).

  10. Changes to the referenced product may affect the Reference Rating. See CRRC-2 Section 4.7(b) and 4.8(A).

Color Family Program Description

The CRRC Wall Color Family Program is designed for industries that have products available in thousands of color options. Since creating various colors involves simply altering the selection and levels of pigments, products within a narrowly defined color range behave similarly to other products of similar, but not identical, color. For this reason, the CRRC allows groups of colors that belong to a given product line and fit within the same color range to be rated as one group.

Color Family Ratings are available for Architectural Coating and Factory-Coated Metal products. The rating option enables products in the same product line that are similar in color to be grouped together in Color Family Groups. Color Family Groups are composed of a Representative Element (RE), which must undergo three-year aging, and Additional Elements (AE), which do not undergo aging.

There are nine (9) established Color Families for Architectural Coatings and 17 established Color Families for Factory-Coated Metal. Each distinct product line within a Color Family must form its own Color Family Group. Refer to Appendix 2 of the CRRC-2 Wall Product Rating Program Manual for detailed Color Family requirements.

See here for detailed instructions for obtaining Color Family Ratings.

Wall Accredited Manufacturer Testing Laboratories

Wall Accredited Manufacturer Testing Laboratories (Wall AMTLs) have the ability to submit product rating data for Color Family Additional Element Applications. To learn more about becoming an AMTL, see here. A Wall Licensee that is not an AMTL can also apply for Color Family Ratings using test data from an Accredited Independent Testing Laboratory (AITL).

Representative Element Rating Overview

A designated RE must first be rated before a company can establish a Color Family Group. For the initial rating of an RE, radiative property and colorimetry test results must be submitted to the CRRC for one or multiple products. These test results may be submitted by an AITL or a Wall AMTL.

If test results for multiple products are submitted, the CRRC will assign an RE based on the solar reflectance values of the products. The RE must be tested by an AITL and undergo three-year weathering and Aged testing. Any other products submitted for the Color Family Group will be rated as AEs, so long as they fall within the same color range. AEs inherit the Aged ratings of the RE and do not need to undergo weathering and aged testing.

The Wall RE rating fee is $450. This fee does not include AEs that are rated in the Color Family Group.

See here for detailed instructions for establishing a Color Family Group.

Additional Element Rating Overview

Once the initial rating for an RE has been obtained, AEs can be added to the Color Family at any time by submitting colorimetry and radiative property data from an AMTL or AITL to the CRRC. See Appendix 2, Section 4.0 of the CRRC-2 Wall Product Rating Program Manual for detailed requirements.

The Wall AE rating fee is $75.

See here for detailed instructions for adding AEs to an existing Color Family Group.

Compound Rating Overview

Compound Product Ratings are available for two or more products that share the same surface formulation and the same radiative properties. Such products may be listed together as one product entry on the CRRC Rated Wall Products Directory. Products of any type may be eligible for a Compound Rating.

The shape or thickness of a product may slightly change the radiative properties of a product, so the most conservative radiative properties are reported for a Compound Rating. To obtain these values, initial testing of each shape must be performed by an AITL, and the Initial radiative properties for the shape with the lowest solar reflectance will be published. The shape with the lowest solar reflectance will then be sent to the Test Farm for weathering and then tested for Aged ratings.

See the CRRC-2 Wall Product Rating Program Manual for specific requirements.

The Compound Wall Product Rating fee is $450.

Compound Rating Instructions

To obtain a Compound Rating, follow the process for Standard Wall Product Ratings with the following exceptions:

Specimen Preparation Instructions

Prepare nine (9) specimens in accordance with the Sample Selection and Preparation Instructions for each of the shapes/profiles you intend to include in the Compound Rating (e.g., if you are including four products under one Compound Rating, a total of 36 specimens will be submitted, nine for each shape).

Color Family Product Rating Instructions

Please select "Color Family" above for detailed information about the Color Family rating option.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the program requirements in the CRRC-2 Wall Product Rating Program Manual (CRRC-2), available here.

  2. Complete a CRRC WRP Product Rating Application (PRA) template for each product that you intend to rate as part of a Color Family. The PRA is provided by the CRRC. Contact [email protected] if you do not have a copy of the PRA template. Instructions for completing the PRA are found on the first tab of the workbook.

    1. Note: If you are establishing a new color family and submitting multiple products, please submit testing data for each product. The CRRC will review all of the test data and assign one product as the Color Family Representative Element. The rest of the products will become Additional Elements, as long as they fall within the same Color Family. A separate PRA must be completed for each product.

  3. Select and prepare product specimens in accordance with Appendix 1, Section S.3.3 of the CRRC-2 or instruct the laboratory personnel to do so.
    1. Note: for Architectural Coating products, pay special attention to the substrate requirements in CRRC-2 Section 3.8. Contact [email protected] with any questions.
  4. Provide the PRA and test specimens to the laboratory (if not already prepared in-house).

  5. The laboratory will perform initial testing and submit the results to [email protected] using the Wall Test Results Report (TRR) workbook provided by the CRRC. Contact [email protected] if you do not have a copy of the TRR template. Instructions for completing the TRR are found on the first tab of the workbook.

    1. Note: If rating multiple products, a separate TRR must be completed for each product.

  6. The CRRC will review the PRA(s) and TRR(s) for accuracy and completeness. The CRRC will also review all colorimetry data to verify that the values fall within the appropriate Color Family. The CRRC will assign one product as the Color Family Representative Element in accordance with Appendix 2, Section 3.1 (1) of the CRRC-2.

  7. The CRRC will notify you of the product that has been assigned as the Color Family Representative Element.

  8. To obtain a Color Family Representative Element rating for the assigned product, follow the instructions for Standard Wall Product Ratings.

  9. After rating data for the Representative Element have been provided to the CRRC by an AITL, the CRRC will invoice you for the Product Rating Fee(s) for the Representative Element and any submitted Additional Elements. The Wall Program Fee Structure is available here.

  10. When payment of the Product Rating Fee(s) is received, the product rating(s) will be published on the Rated Wall Products Directory and you will be sent a Notification(s) of Product Rating (NPR) via email.

    1. Note 1: The published rating will include the following information: CRRC Wall Rated Product ID; Licensee name; brand and model name; product type, color, and market; initial and aged solar reflectance; initial and aged thermal emittance; Licensee contact name, phone number, and website; and application approval date.

    2. Note 2: The published initial solar reflectance and thermal emittance for each product will reflect the individual test results submitted by the AMTL. When the Aged data are approved for the Representative Element, all of the Additional Elements will inherit the Representative Element’s Aged Ratings and the NPR(s) will be updated accordingly

  11. You will be invoiced annually for the Product Rating Renewal fees while the product rating remains active (see fee structure here).

  1. Familiarize yourself with the program requirements in the CRRC-2 Wall Product Rating Program Manual (CRRC-2), available here.

  2. Engage with a CRRC-approved Wall Accredited Independent Testing Laboratory (Wall AITL). A list of each AITL’s testing and program capabilities is available here. Be sure to select an AITL that performs testing for the Wall Program. Each AITL’s contact information is available here.

  3. Engage with a CRRC-approved Test Farm for three-year weathering (weathering is only required for the Color Family Representative Element).

  4. After selecting a Wall AITL and a Test Farm, complete a CRRC WRP Product Rating Application (PRA) template for each product that you intend to add to the Color Family Group. The PRA is provided by the CRRC. Contact [email protected] if you do not have a copy of the PRA template. Instructions for completing the PRA are found on the first tab of the workbook.

  5. Select and prepare product specimens in accordance with Appendix 1, Section S.3.3 of the CRRC-2.

    1. Note: for Architectural Coating products, pay special attention to the substrate requirements in CRRC-2 Section 3.8. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

  6. Ship the specimens to the Wall AITL.

  7. Email the completed PRA workbook(s) to the AITL and copy (“Cc) [email protected].

    1. Note: The CRRC will review the PRA(s) for accuracy and completeness. The CRRC will not invoice you or publish product information until the test data are submitted to the CRRC by the AITL and have been reviewed and approved.

  8. The Wall AITL will complete initial testing on all selected products and submit the test results to the CRRC.

  9. The CRRC will review the test results for accuracy and completeness. The CRRC will also review all colorimetry data to verify that the values fall within the appropriate Color Family. The CRRC will assign one product as the Color Family Representative Element in accordance with Appendix 2, Section 3.1 (1) of the CRRC-2.

  10. The CRRC will notify you of the product that has been assigned as the Color Family Representative Element.

  11. To obtain a rating for the Color Family Representative Element, follow the instructions for Standard Wall Product Ratings.

  12. After the Representative Element test data have been provided to the CRRC by an AITL, the CRRC will invoice you for the Product Rating Fees for the Representative Element and any Additional Elements. The Wall Program Fee Structure is available here.

  13. When payment of the Product Rating Fee(s) is received, the product rating(s) will be published on the Rated Wall Products Directory and you will be sent a Notification(s) of Product Rating (NPR) via email.

    1. Note 1: The published rating will include the following information: CRRC Wall Rated Product ID; Licensee name; brand and model name; product type, color, and market; initial and aged solar reflectance; initial and aged thermal emittance; Licensee contact name, phone number, and website; and application approval date.

    2. Note 2: The published initial solar reflectance and thermal emittance for each product will reflect the individual test results submitted by the AITL. When Aged data are approved for the Representative Element, all of the Additional Elements will inherit the Aged Rating.

  14. When the Aged Rating process for the Representative Element is completed, all of the Representative Elements will inherit the Aged data and the NPR(s) will be updated accordingly.

  15. You will be invoiced annually for the Product Rating Renewal fee while the product rating remains active (see fee structure here).

  1. Familiarize yourself with the program requirements in the CRRC-2 Wall Product Rating Program Manual (CRRC-2), available here.

  2. Complete a CRRC WRP Product Rating Application (PRA) template for each product that you intend to add to an existing Color Family Group. The PRA is provided by the CRRC. Contact [email protected] if you do not have a copy of the PRA template. Instructions for completing the PRA are found on the first tab of the workbook.

  3. Select and prepare product specimens in accordance with Appendix 1, Section S.3.3 of the CRRC-2 or instruct the laboratory personnel to do so.

    1. Note: for Architectural Coating products, pay special attention to the Substrate requirements in CRRC-2 Section 3.8. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

  4. Provide the PRA and test specimens to the laboratory (if not already prepared in-house).

  5. The laboratory will perform initial testing and submit the results to [email protected] using the Wall Test Results Report (TRR) workbook provided by the CRRC. Contact [email protected] if you do not have a copy of the TRR template. Instructions for completing the TRR are found on the first tab of the workbook.

    1. Note: If rating multiple products, a separate TRR must be completed for each product.

  6. The CRRC will review the PRA and TRR for accuracy and completeness. The CRRC will also review all colorimetry data to verify that the values fall within the appropriate Color Family.

  7. The CRRC will invoice you for the Product Rating Fee for each Additional Element. The Wall Program Fee Structure is available here.

  8. When payment of the Product Rating Fee(s) is received, the product rating(s) will be published on the Rated Wall Products Directory and you will be sent a Notification of Product Rating (NPR) via email.

    1. Note 1: The published rating will include the following information: CRRC Wall Rated Product ID; Licensee name; brand and model name; product type, color, and market; initial and aged solar reflectance; initial and aged thermal emittance; Licensee contact name, phone number, and website; and application approval date.

    2. Note 2: The published initial solar reflectance and thermal emittance will reflect the test results submitted by the AMTL for the product. When Aged data are approved for the Representative Element, the Additional Element will inherit the Aged Rating.

  9. If the Representative Element already has Aged Ratings, the new Additional Element Rating will include the Aged Ratings.

  10. If the Representative Element does not yet have Aged Ratings, the Aged Ratings will be added to your product rating at the same time that they are published for the Representative Element.

  11. You will be invoiced annually for the Product Rating Renewal fee while the product rating remains active (see fee structure here).

  1. Familiarize yourself with the program requirements in the CRRC-2, available here.

  2. Engage with a CRRC-approved Wall Accredited Independent Testing Laboratory (Wall AITL). A list of each AITL’s testing and program capabilities is available here. Be sure to select an AITL that performs testing for the Wall Program. Each AITL’s contact information is available here.

  3. After selecting a Wall AITL, complete a CRRC WRP Product Rating Application (PRA) template for each product that you intend to add to the existing Color Family Group. The PRA is provided by the CRRC. Contact [email protected] if you do not have a copy of the PRA template. Instructions for completing the PRA are found on the first tab of the workbook.

  4. Select and prepare product specimens in accordance with Appendix 1, Section S.3.3 of the CRRC-2.

    1. Note: for Architectural Coating products, pay special attention to the Substrate requirements in CRRC-2 Section 3.8. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

  5. Ship the specimens to the Wall AITL.

  6. Email the completed PRA workbook to the AITL and CC [email protected].

    1. Note: The CRRC will review the PRA for accuracy and completeness and save it in the CRRC’s internal drive. The CRRC will not invoice you or publish product information until the rating data is submitted to the CRRC by the AITL.

  7. The Wall AITL will complete initial testing on all selected products and submit the test results to the CRRC.

  8. The CRRC will review the test results for accuracy and completeness. The CRRC will also review all colorimetry data to verify that it falls within the selected Color Family.

  9. The CRRC will invoice you for the Product Rating Fee. The Wall Program Fee Structure is available here.

  10. When payment of the Product Rating Fee is received, the product rating will be published on the Rated Wall Products Directory and you will be sent a Notification of Product Rating (NPR) via email.

    1. Note 1: The published rating will include: CRRC Wall Rated Product ID; Licensee name; brand and model name; product type, color, and market; initial and aged solar reflectance; initial and aged thermal emittance; Licensee contact name, phone number, and website; and application approval date.

    2. Note 2: The published initial solar reflectance and thermal emittance will reflect the individual test results submitted by the AITL for the product. When Aged data are approved for the Representative Element, the Additional Element will inherit the Aged Rating.

  11. If the Representative Element already has Aged Ratings, the new Additional Element Rating will include the Aged Ratings.

  12. If the Representative Element does not yet have Aged Ratings, the Aged Ratings will be added to your product rating at the same time that they are published for the Representative Element.

  13. You will be invoiced annually for the Product Rating Renewal fee while the product rating remains active (see fee structure here).

Fees and Dues

See the CRRC Wall Rating Program Fee Structure for the appropriate Product Rating fee.

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