Annual Election

Each year, the CRRC membership elects members to serve on the Board of Directors. Each director serves a three-year term and can serve up to three consecutive terms. Terms are staggered over a three-year period.

The Board of Directors is composed of 11 voting members:

  • Six (6) from Industry members (manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and their industry associations)

  • Five (5) from General Interest members (roofing contractors, consultants, non-profit groups, government agencies, educational institutions, testing laboratories, test farms, air quality boards, code bodies, energy service companies, and interested individuals)

View the CRRC Bylaws for member voting rules

2024 Election Results

Thank you to all who participated in this year’s election! Please see below for the results of the 2024 Elections:


  • Chadwick Collins, SPRI (1st term)
  • Hal Arthur Leland, Western Colloid (3rd term)

General Interest

  • Tom Herron, National Fenestration Rating Council (2nd term)

The 2024-2025 Board Officers are as follows:

  • Chair - Stuart Ruis, R&D Services

  • Vice Chair - Maureen Kavanagh, 3M

  • Treasurer - David Cocuzzi, National Coil Coating Association

  • Secretary - Frank Klink, Interested Individual

The complete list of the CRRC Board of Directors including Ex-Officio members can be viewed here.

Approved amendments to the CRRC Bylaws:

  • Add the California Energy Commission to the list of non-voting Ex Officio Directors of the CRRC

  • Remove restrictions that both parent and subsidiary companies cannot vote in matters put to the CRRC Membership

  • Change how members are terminated, including changing the vote from being held by the membership to the Board, and removing a clause that specifies a six-month timeline

  • Expand the CRRC’s scope to include pavements in addition to roofs and walls

The organization's amended bylaws can be viewed here.