The Cool Roof Rating Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that develops fair, accurate, and credible methods for evaluating and labeling the radiative properties of roofing and exterior wall products. The CRRC also provides education to the public on how cool roofs and cool exterior walls can help improve building performance, increase occupant comfort, mitigate the urban heat island effect, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


To bring objective, scientific information related to cool surfaces to critical discussions and informed decisions about the impacts of heat islands, extreme heat, and energy use in the built environment.


CRRC data and resources on the impacts of cool surfaces enhance individual and community resilience to extreme heat.

History of CRRC

The Cool Roof Rating Council was established in 1998 to develop fair, accurate, and credible methods for evaluating and labeling the surface radiative properties (solar reflectance and thermal emittance) of roofing products and to disseminate the information to all interested parties through a Rated Products Directory. In 2019, the CRRC Membership approved an expansion of the organization’s scope and mission to include the rating of exterior wall products.


View the CRRC Bylaws (approved by the Membership on June 5, 2024)

View the redline version of the CRRC Bylaws

Product Rating Programs

The CRRC administers product rating programs for roofing and exterior wall products. These are fee-for-service programs that provide important data about the radiative performance of various products and they help financially support the CRRC. Program participants (i.e. licensed manufacturers and sellers) pay annual fees to participate in the program(s). Program end users (e.g., local building departments, contractors, architects, building owners) rely on this information — which is available for free on the Rated Roof Products Directory and Rated Wall Products Directory — for making informed decisions about product procurement, installation, compliance, and enforcement.


The CRRC offers membership to any organization or individual interested in roofing, exterior wall products, energy efficiency, building enclosures, urban heat island mitigation, green building design, climate resilience, and/or any related fields.

Our members include manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, contractors, consultants, non-profit groups, government agencies, educational institutions, government agencies, testing facilities, weathering services, energy utility companies, trade associations, and interested individuals. For more information on how to become a member, please visit Become a Member.

Membership is separate from participation in the CRRC's product rating programs. Membership is optional and not required for getting a product(s) rated, nor is membership automatic for companies with CRRC-rated products.