1.0 – Overview

Any matters not set forth in this policy shall be as set forth in the Cool Roof Rating Council’s (CRRC) Bylaws or other Organization Policies.

2.0 – Committee Scope

The CRRC Technical Committee is charged with understanding and resolving core science and technical issues around standard test methods and practices, round robin testing programs for accredited laboratories, weathering test farm protocols, and the development of rating systems for new products. The Technical Committee has authority to make non-binding recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Technical Committee Chair shall report to the Board of Directors.

3.0 – Committee Composition

The Technical Committee is a standing committee. It will consist of no less than seven (7) and no more than sixteen (16) voting members, as determined by the Board of Directors. The voting members of the Technical Committee and an alternate for each voting member shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. Voting members shall not be members of the Board of Directors, unless they are Ex-Officio Board members. However, all Technical Committee members shall hold CRRC membership. Each Technical Committee voting member or voting alternate will serve a two-year term, and may serve successive terms. However, members may not serve more than ten consecutive years as a voting member on the Technical Committee unless approved by the Board of Directors Multiple representatives from a company may serve on the Committee. However, only one representative from a company (including the parent company or any subsidiaries) is entitled to a vote at any meeting or conference call.

4.0 – Committee Executives

The Chair of the Technical Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The Vice Chair of the Technical Committee shall be appointed by the Technical Committee. The Technical Committee Chair and Vice Chair will serve two-year terms, and may serve successive terms up to six years, unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors. Approval by the Board of Directors is required for serving as the Technical Committee Chair or Vice Chair after the completion of the third term.

5.0 – Committee Balance

The Technical Committee shall strive to have balanced representation from Industry and General Interest. The Industry category includes manufacturers, manufacturing trade associations, and suppliers of products. The General Interest (non-Industry) category includes entities that research, test, specify or provide consulting or inspection. The overall balance of the Technical Committee should strive to be 60% Industry and 40% General Interest, with no one specific Industry group comprising more than 20% of the Industry category. Individuals with past experience in a certain Industry category who currently work in a different category shall not be precluded from representing the former category.

5.1 – Standing Committee Positions

To preserve a balanced Technical Committee that includes standing representation from certain key groups within the General Interest category, the following shall apply:

  1. Two permanent voting seats shall be reserved for representatives from National laboratories;

  2. Two permanent voting seats and two alternate seats shall be reserved for representatives from Accredited Independent Test Laboratories; and

  3. One permanent voting seat and one alternate seat shall be reserved for representatives from Approved Test Farms.

6.0 – Committee Member Qualifications

Individuals interested in membership on the Technical Committee shall submit a short summary of their educational qualifications and industry expertise to the Technical Committee Chair and/or CRRC staff. Staff shall provide this summary along with the formal committee roster to the Board of Directors when considering appointments to the Technical Committee.

7.0 – Committee Meetings

The Technical Committee shall meet as often as is necessary to fulfill its responsibilities, but no less than three (3) times per year unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors. Meetings will be held in person and/or as conference calls.

Technical Committee meetings and conference calls shall be open to the public. However, anyone other than Technical Committee voting members or alternate voting members interested in participating in a Technical Committee meeting will not be able to vote on any matters discussed by the Technical Committee. Non-voting participants can provide input during meetings at the discretion of the Chair. All voting members and meeting attendees shall receive copies of the meeting minutes after the meeting. Notices of future Technical Committee meetings will be included in CRRC newsletters and posted to the CRRC website.

8.0 – Proxy and Attendance

If any voting member is unable to attend a Technical Committee meeting, the voting member shall arrange for their voting alternate to deliberate and vote at the meeting. However, if the actual voting member fails to attend three consecutive Technical Committee meetings, the voting member will be removed from their position. Special exceptions may be made in the event of family emergencies. In order to be considered “in attendance” at a meeting, the voting member or proxy must be present for at least 50% of the voting items indicated on the meeting agenda. If a main voting member is removed by the Board or Technical Committee, or otherwise vacates the Technical Committee, the voting alternate will fill the vacant position unless the voting alternate is also a member of the Board of Directors or declines the position, or unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors. Other vacancies will be filled by the Board of Directors.

The Chair of the Technical Committee shall attend every meeting and conference call of the Committee. If the Chair is unable to attend, the Vice Chair shall chair the meeting. If both the Chair and Vice Chair are unable to attend the meeting, CRRC staff may serve as the interim chair.

9.0 - Quorum

A majority (51%) of the Technical Committee shall constitute a quorum and the act of a majority of the voting members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Committee.

10.0 – Exemption from Fees

Technical Committee members (voting and alternates), as well as Accredited Independent Testing Laboratory and Test Farm representatives, shall be exempt from paying registration fees for attending in-person Technical Committee meetings.

11.0 – Data Submission Guidelines

Unless otherwise determined by the Technical Committee Chair, any data used to support a discussion item shall be submitted to the Technical Committee at least two weeks prior to the Technical Committee meeting. A summary sheet describing investigation methodology should accompany the data. Unless otherwise determined by the Technical Committee Chair, the results of the analysis and any conclusions or recommendations supported by the evidence will be submitted to the Technical Committee at least one week prior to the Technical Committee meeting. Unless otherwise determined by the Technical Committee Chair, other meeting exhibits will be submitted to the Technical Committee at least one week prior to the meeting.

12.0 – Subcommittees

The Technical Committee may form subcommittees or working groups as needed. Subcommittees and working groups shall be responsible for investigating technical issues at the request of the Technical Committee, Board of Directors or CRRC staff. A member of the subcommittee will convey the subcommittee recommendations to the Technical Committee members at the next Technical Committee meeting.

13.0 – Consensus-Based Standards Policy

Newly developed practices, methods, and standards when adopted by the Board of Directors shall be initiated through a consensus process, such as the American National Standards Institute, within one year.

Document Revision History

June 7, 2007 Established Technical Committee Policy

February 2, 2009 Updated to include Alternate Voting Member position, requirements for Voting Member attendance, guidance for subcommittees, and statement regarding fees

February 25, 2010 Updated to include a 16 th Voting and Alternate Voting Member position

September 8, 2011 Updated to include to include data submission guidelines and requirements for the Vice Chair position

November 19, 2013 Updated to extend term limit to two years; inclusion of proxy clause; addition of committee member qualifications; revisions to the subcommittee clause; and revised data submission guidelines for clarity.

May 14, 2015 Updated to include CRRC Consensus-Based Standards Policy.

August 13, 2015 Revised throughout to improve clarity.

April 20, 2017 Updated to include standing positions, increased minimum required number of members, and various clarifying edits.

January 31, 2019 Added attendance requirement for Chair and Vice Chair

November 19, 2019 Added language to specify that only one representative from a company may vote.